SUN Renjie invited to participate in the “Bird-loving Week” Campaign in Weizhou Island

On March 20, 2019, “World Wildlife Day” and “Bird-loving Week” campaign were officially launched in Weizhou Island Tourist Area. SUN Renjie was invited to attend the event and give a publicity lecture entitled “Bird Knowledge in Idioms” in Weizhou experimental school.

In the lecture, Sun Renjie explained the physical characteristics of birds adapting to flight, the principle of bird flight and the migration law of birds by using popular Chinese idioms such as “Shen Qing Ru Yan, As light as a swallow”, “Lao Yan Fen Fei, shrikes and swallows flying in different directions — to part from each other” and “Jing Gong Zhi Niao, birds startled by the mere twang of a bow-string”. The lecture helped the students to realize the importance and urgency of protecting birds at such moment and the significance of Weizhou Island for migratory birds. Consequently, all students agreed to take an active part in bird protection and build Weizhou Island into an idyllic land for birds. The lecture was appreciated by teachers and students of Weizhou experimental school.

“Bird-loving Week” was established in 1981 for the protection of migratory birds migrating between China and Japan. In 1992, Regulations on the Implementation of the Terrestrial Wildlife Protection in the People’s Republic of China was approved by the State Council and “Bird-loving Week” became a legally-set event. The theme of this year’s Bird-loving Week is Protection of endangered species and Maintenance of the community of life.

More than 100 people from Weizhou island Tourism Zone Management Committee, Beihai Forestry Bureau, Guangxi Forestry Inventory & Planning Institute, Guangxi Forest Resources & Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, Guangxi University, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center and other units participated in the launching ceremony and the publicity week series activities

(By: Ding Hui)


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